Friday, July 10, 2015

TRUCO! (click here for english version)

Na última semana, como noticiado aqui no blog, estive trabalhando nos gráficos "plus" do jogo Incomming, do amigo Ivan Machado. Tive também a oportunidade de ouvir, em primeira mão, seus primeiros experimentos para a inclusão do "The Voice" no jogo, algo que sentimos falta no Death Race. Enquanto curtia o jogo, pensei que seria bem legal o The Voice vociferando palavra como "Truco" ou "Seis, Rato!", frases típicas do jogo de Truco, e como fazer design de jogos é um hobby pra mim, decidi iniciar um projeto para um possível jogo de Truco para o Odyssey. O jogo de Truco, embora não seja meu predileto, é provavelmente o jogo de cartas mais popular no Brasil. A origem do Truco não é conhecida com exatidão, acredita-se que o jogo tenha sido trazido da Espanha, Portugal ou Itália. Acredito, porém que o jogo não seja tão popular no exterior, nos tempos áureos do
videogames era mais comum encontrar jogos como Blackjack ou Poker. De toda forma, acho que um jogo de Truco para o Odyssey seria bem interessante, então fica aqui o screenshot do novo projeto e quem sabe um dia poderemos desfrutá-lo pressionando a famosa tecla "ACTION".


Last week, as reported here on the blog, I've been working in the graphics "plus" of Incomming game, friend Ivan Machado. I also had the opportunity to hear, first hand, his early experiments to the inclusion of "The Voice" in the game, something we missed in Death Race. As was into the game, I thought it would be cool The Voice ranting words like "Truco" or "Six, Mouse!" Typical phrases of Truco game, and how to game design is a hobby for me, I decided to start a project for a possible Truco game for the Odyssey. The game Truco, though not my favorite, is probably the most popular card game in Brazil. The origin of the Truco is not known exactly, it is believed that the game has been brought from Spain, Portugal or Italy. I believe, however, that the game is not so popular abroad, in the heady days of the video games was more common to find games like Blackjack or Poker. Anyway, I think a Truco game for the Odyssey would be interesting, then here is the screenshot of the new project and maybe one day we can enjoy it by pressing the famous "ACTION" button. (Learn More:


TomBeck said...

Wonderful to read, that you and Ivan work together. Plus and TheVoice is a great combination. The game is going to be better and better.

And about Truco. I was never a big fan of card games. But maybe you and Videopac could change my mind...

Rafael Cardoso said...

I just giving a hand to Ivan in the plus graphics, he´s doing another great job!
In fact I liked to do a card game for Ody like this one:
But I couldn´t think about it yet.