Saturday, August 1, 2015

CONSTRUINDO MOONTOWN! (click here for english version)

Como Ed Averett e outros programadores costumavam fazer nos tempos áureos do Odyssey, procuro buscar inspiração em algum arcade clássico da época, penso já ter dito isso antes. Desta vez, a inspiração veio de Missile Command. Moontown foi um jogo no qual tive certa dificuldade em encontrar um fórmula funcional. O jogo  já teve serras elétricas e tele-transporte, tive que testar várias idéias até achar um que desse certo. Por fim, penso que Moontown acabou se transformando numa sequencia natural de jogo apresentado na semana passada: Mars Menace!Após serem derrotados em Mars Menace os humanos sobreviventes construiram uma comunidade na Lua. Mas, os invasores nuca nos dão paz e mais uma vez, nos vemos em nova batalha pela sobrevivência. Serão 50 dias de batalha, a cada dia um OVNI tentará destruir as bases humanas. Como defesa temos as torres suspensas na laterais e a torre de mísseis no centro da tela, além de uma arma secreta. A munição é limitada. Conseguirá derrotar os invasores antes que seus recursos se esgotem?


As Ed Averett and other programmers used to do in the heady days of the Odyssey, I try to draw inspiration from some classic arcade of the time, as I think I have said it before. This time the inspiration came from Missile Command. Moontown was a game in which I had some difficulty in finding a workable formula. The game has had chainsaws and teleportation, I had to test various ideas until you find one that would work. Finally, I think Moontown eventually became a natural sequence presented game last week: Mars Menace! After being defeated at Mars Menace human survivors built a community on the moon. But the neck invaders give us peace and once again, we find ourselves in a new battle for survival. Will be 50 days of battle, every day a UFO try to destroy human bases. As a defense we have the towers suspended on the side and the missile tower in the center of the screen, as well as a secret weapon. Ammunition is limited. Able to defeat the invaders before their resources are exhausted?


TomBeck said...

You are the Ed Averett of the present age!

Every week a new and wonderful game. Where do you get all your inspirations? I guess, you have much more new games in your head. So much games you want to do, but too little time. I think you wish, that making Odyssey games were your full time job.

Moontown look again perfect. The green bombs look like the bombs in Terrahawks. I like they. The games must be really fun. Thanks for share this.

Rafael Cardoso said...

The green bombs on Timelord (Terrahawks) are know here as "aniquiladores". They used to scare me back in the days 8^)