Saturday, August 15, 2015

KC RETURNS! (click here for english version)

Os amigos que acompanham o blog sabem que há pouco tempo tive o grande prazer de ter contato com Ed Averett. Para aqueles que não sabem, Ed foi criador da maioria dos jogos do Odyssey,
mais que isso ele foi o mantenedor do projeto Odyssey, sem a figura de Ed, o Odyssey jamais teria chegado tão longe. Recentemente, Averett trouxe-nos de volta o nosso herói: KC Munchkin, com a aventura KC Returns! que em breve deve estar disponível para download no Brasil. Caso eu não esteja cronologicamente errado, KC foi o primeiro mascote da história dos consoles domésticos. O triunfal retorno de KC Munchkin nos contagiou. Amigos como Tom Beck, Prof. Victor e Marc Verraes já haviam me sugerido criar uma nova aventura para nosso mascote. Enfim, o contato com Ed inspirou-me a pensar em algo sobre isto, após pensar um pouco cheguei a um conceito que apresentarei no vídeo abaixo. Para esta nova aventura criei uma nova personagem, a Ms. Munchkin. Mostrei o projeto ao Ed que parece ter gostado da ideia, suas palavras foram: " I  really like it. Great look for Ms KC. :)"  Vale lembrar que KC III esta apenas em fase de design e é algo que pretendo concluir em médio prazo, haja vista que pretendo manter a riqueza dos jogos anteriores. De toda forma já temos algo! Meus agradecimentos a Ed Avrett e aos amigos que tem ajudado a manter o Odyssey vivo!

Friends who follow the blog know that recently had the great pleasure to have contact with Ed Averett. For those who do not know, Ed was the creator of most of the Odyssey games, more than that he was the maintainer of the Odyssey project without Ed's figure, the Odyssey would never have come so far. Recently, Averett brought us back our hero: KC Munchkin, with the adventure KC  Returns! soon to be available for download in Brazil. If I am not wrong chronologically, KC was the first mascot in the history of home consoles. The triumphant return of KC Munchkin in infected. Friends like Tom Beck, Prof. Victor and Marc Verraes had already suggested me to create a new adventure for our mascot. Anyway, contact Ed inspired me to think of something about it, after some thought I came to a concept that I will present in the video below. For this new adventure created a new character, Ms. Munchkin. I showed the project to Ed who seems to have liked the idea, his words were: "I really like it Great look for Ms KC :).." Remember that KC III is only in the design phase and is something I intend to complete over medium term, given that intend to keep the wealth of previous games. Anyway we have something! My thanks to Ed Avrett and friends who have helped to keep alive the Odyssey!


TomBeck said...

Oh Rafael, you make my dream come true. A new Munchkin game. I know, it is a long way to finish it, but that is the beginning! And Ed is right. I love Mrs. Munchkin. Look awesome! But to be honest, I love the old style from the highscore:

0000> ?????? 0000

And they must change the color, when there is a new highscore, like in ComeCome2 (yellow/red). Maybe you like it also. Do you want to animate the Munchkin like in ComeCome 1 or 2?

There are so many questions I want to ask. But I know the game is in early stage. So please, keep us informed, when you work on this.

The game would be incredible!

Rafael Cardoso said...

I really love to do something using the classic 0000> ?????? 0000. The problem with this game I had to use all elements to get a lot of dots on the screen. About the animation, yes, I expect to do something so good like the previous KC games or abort it, if the case.