Saturday, September 5, 2015

ENVELHECENDO! (click here for english version)

Esta semana, como acontece todo ano, envelheci. Aproveitei a ocasião para retornar a um velho projeto. Há algumas semana apresentei o projeto Galaxy Warriors, como há muito tempo não mexia nele, resolvi botar a mão na massa. Desta vez, fiz algumas alterações gráficas.  Basicamente, fiz algumas alterações nas sprites  tanto nas naves inimigas como na nave principal,  também decidi usar as linhas do grid para criar o efeito de profundidade. Abaixo um vídeo do projeto com o novo design. Espero poder trabalhar nele, com um pouco mais de tranquilidade nos próximos dias. Por ora, isto é tudo.


This week, as happens every year, grew old. I took the opportunity to return to an old project. A few weeks presented the project Galaxy Warriors, as long it did not move, I decided to put their hands dirty. This time, I made some graphical changes. Basically, I made some changes in sprites both enemy ships as the main nave, also decided to use the grid lines to create the effect of depth. Under a project of the video with the new design. I hope to work on it, with a little more tranquility in the coming days. For now, that's all.


TomBeck said...

Hi Rafael,

I hope, I understand right, (when I look also to the picture) that you had birthday?

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend! Too bad, that I can´t give you a present, because you give so much to us. So the only thing I can do, is to write something in your blog.

The updated game look also very good. When the enemy get closer they get bigger and bigger. Very good. I wish you again much fun with the game and that your wishes come true.

All the best to you and your whole family!

Rafael Cardoso said...

Yeah, that´s right, Tom. It was on last wednesday. Many thanks.
I really liked the effect on enemies, I think it worked nice. I hope to find some nice sounds and aproprieted speed form game elements. Again, thanks by your votes!