Saturday, May 21, 2016

THE MAGIC COMES BACK! (click here for english version)

Em breve teremos o lançamento de Forbidden Lands. Na imagem ao lado vocês poderão ver um primeiro esboço da capa do jogo.  Atualmente tanto a capa quanto o manual do jogo já estão prontos e o resultado final é bastante impressionante. Para aqueles, que como eu, eram sobretudo fãs das artes e manuais do Odyssey, sinto que Forbidden Lands resgata toda essa magia do passado. A arte da capa, não se dizer se é pela carga emocional do logo Odyssey, mas é certamente um dos mais belos trabalhos de ilustração para um homebrew. O manual do jogo, tem 8 páginas ricamente ilustradas, resgatando toda a beleza que apreciávamos nos manuais de jogos Odyssey. A data provável para o lançamento de Forbidden Lands será em 06/06 e estou realmente ansioso para receber minha cópia. Espero que gostem, é um trabalho de fãs para fãs.


Soon we will have the release of Forbidden Lands. In the image to the side you can see a first draft of the cover of the game. Currently both the cover and the game manual are ready and the end result is quite impressive. For those, like me, were mostly fans of the arts and crafts of the Odyssey, I feel like Forbidden Lands rescues all this magic of the past. The cover art, not tell if it's the emotional charge of the Odyssey logo, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful illustration work for an homebrew. The game manual has 8 richly illustrated pages, rescuing all the beauty that the manuals were enjoying Odyssey games. The probable date for the release of Forbidden Lands will be 06/06 and I'm really looking forward to receiving my copy. I hope you enjoy, it is a fan work for fans.


TomBeck said...

I am really looking forward for this wonderful release. The game itself looks great. And also the cover and manual would be amazing what I can see till now.

I hope for more adventure games in the future.

With every homebrew I have the feelings like in the eighties but with this release with such an amazing cover, I have a few more eighties feelings. ;)

Rafael Cardoso said...

At this point I think everthing is ready for release, manuals and labels ready and printed. A beautifull piece of art. Probably well be talking about release in few days, let´s see.