Saturday, June 4, 2016

HORA DE VENTURE! (clcik here for english version)

Há alguns anos, esta história já contei algumas outras vezes, num tempo em que eu nada sabia sobre como programar o Odyssey, eu criei alguns jogos com gráficos e sons  no estilo Odyssey, usando um software chamado Game Maker. A maioria deles eram jogos de minha autoria, mas também fiz algumas demos de alguns clássicos do Arcade, três para ser mais exato. Space Invaders e Pac Man eu programei por causa deste interessante artigo na The Odyssey2 Homepage:, apenas fiquei curioso como estes jogos poderiam ser no nosso Odyssey. A boa notícia é que nosso amigo Ivan (Death Race, Incomming) esta trabalhando numa versão do Space Invaders para o Odyssey! A terceira pseudo-conversão que fiz foi Venture que era um jogo que, além de eu gostar e minha filha gostar de me ver jogando, sempre achei que ele foi criado para ser portado ao Odyssey. Abaixo a demo de Venture que fiz com o Game Maker em agosto de 2004.

Recentemente, meu mais recente projeto: "Forbidden Lands", fez-me lembrar do bom e velho Venture, decidi, então, redesenhar o projeto, para futuramente tentar convertê-lo para o Odyssey. Finalmente, dias atrás, iniciei o projeto. As imagens de como pretendo desenhar cada nível e o primeiro vídeo do projeto no Odyssey, vocês poderão ver no final da página.


A few years ago, this story already told some other time, a time when I knew nothing about how to program the Odyssey, I created some games with graphics and sounds in Odyssey style, using a software called Game Maker. Most  of  them  were  games  of my own, but I also did some demos of some classic Arcade games, three to be exact.  Space Invaders  and  Pac Man  I programmed because of this interesting article in The Odyssey2 Homepage:,   I was just curious how these games could be in our Odyssey . The good news is that our friend Ivan (Death Race, Incomming) is working on a version of Space Invaders for the Odyssey! The third pseudo-conversion I did was Venture that was a game, and I like and my daughter like to see me playing, I always thought that it was created to be ported to the Odyssey. Below Venture demo that I made with Game Maker in August 2004.

Recently, my latest project: "Forbidden Lands," reminded me of the good old venture, I decided then redesign the project to eventually try to convert it to the Odyssey. Finally, days ago, I started the project. The images of how I plan to draw each level and the first video project in Odyssey, you can see the bottom of the page.


TomBeck said...

I wish you much luck with your project. Will be wonderful to play thís game someday...
But it will be also a lot of work and took some time.

Till you make this game, I will wait and later play Forbidden Lands, that will come in the near future. For me the best game this year.

Rafael Cardoso said...

Many thanks, Tom. Yes, probably Venture will take some time. I still on "thinking stage", trying to think about the better way to follow with it. Yes, now you know Forbidden Lands is coming and I really hope you like it.