Saturday, April 29, 2017

UM PRESENTE DE AMIGO! (click here for english version)

Naqueles tempos costumava frequentar a casa de meu bom e velho amigo Bode. Em muitas destas ocasiões estava ele na companhia de seu inseparável Intellivision. O Intellivision, para a época, era sem dúvida o console mais impressionante em termos de gráfico e sons. Beamrider foi, sem dúvida, um jogo que chamou minha atenção, tanto pela variedade de inimigos quanto pelos seus gráficos que tinham aspecto 3D. Recentemente, tenho ignorado meus projetos acadêmicos e trabalhado nos projetos Odyssey, é o que meu coração tem me mandado fazer.

Um dos jogos em que tenho trabalhado nos últimos dias é Laser Blitz. Se você nunca ouviu falar neste jogo é porque ele se chamava Galaxy Warriors, mencionado numa postagem mais antiga: Avancei bastante com o projeto a ponto de incluí-lo na lista de possíveis lançamentos do ano. Claro que a alusão a Beamrider foi intencional. Em  Laser Blitz eu estava tentando utilizar o grid para reproduzir o efeito de profundidade característico do BR. No último final de semana, nosso bom amigo Ivan me falou sobre as novidades de seus projetos então mostrei a ele o Laser Blitz. Para minha surpresa Ivan me presentou com código para simular o efeito de Beamrider, ficou lindo! Infelizmente não estou conseguindo postar  no Youtube o vídeo que preparei esta manhã, mas segue um screenshot de como ficou o efeito no jogo: (Mais tarde, lembrei que era possível postar vídeos direto no blog)

(Mais tarde, lembrei que era possível postar vídeos direto no blog)


In those days I used to go to my good old friend Goat's house. On many of these occasions he was in the company of his inseparable Intellivision. Intellivision, by the time, was arguably the most impressive console in terms of graphics and sounds. Beamrider was undoubtedly a game that caught my attention, both by the variety of enemies and by its graphics that had 3D aspect. Recently, I have ignored my academic projects and worked on the Odyssey projects, which is what my heart has told me to do.One of the games I've been working on in recent days is Laser Blitz. If you've never heard of this game it's because it was called Galaxy Warriors, mentioned in an older post: . I made a lot of progress with the project to include it in the list of possible releases of the year. Of course the allusion to Beamrider was intentional. In Laser Blitz I was trying to use the grid to reproduce the characteristic depth effect of BR. Last weekend, our good friend Ivan told me about the news of his projects so I showed him the Laser Blitz. To my surprise Ivan introduced me with code to simulate the effect of Beamrider, it was beautiful! Unfortunately I am not able to post on Youtube the video I prepared this morning, but it follows a screenshot of how the effect in the game was:

(Later I remembered that it was possible to post videos directly on the blog)


TomBeck said...

It`s always good to do, what your heart tell you. This is of course, also good for all of us. ;)

The Intellivision Beamrider effect is great. And your game look also very impressive. The blue lines look a little bit like a Vectrex game. Does the lines also flicker on real machine, or is it only because of the video?

I never thought, that this effect were possible. In the past, there are some games, where I never thought it were possibe. For example the scrolling effect in "Helicopter Rescue" or the wonderful scrolling in "Down".

It´s always great to see, that some games overcome the limits from Odyssey/Videopac.

Rafael Cardoso said...

Yes I like the effect. Ivan had a better idea (skill) than mine, so that´s great.
Well remebered about Helicopter Rescue, here the programmer wanted for a silmilar effect I was lookig for Laser Blitz. Another amazing scroll is from Spiderman, I played it yesterday a really great game, both in gameplay and technically.