Saturday, January 7, 2017

HAPPY 2017! (click here for english version)

Tenham todos um excelente 2017, com muitos jogos novos para seu Odyssey/Videopac. Falando nisso, hoje escreverei sobre o que se pode esperar de novidades para este novo ano. Alguns jogos estão mais próximos de serem concluídos que outros. A esta altura posso dizer que possíveis candidatos para serem lançados este ano são: Boom Box (que basicamente é Sokoban para O2/Vpac - figura ao lado),
Lady Frog, Moon Town e o jogo que era conhecido por Robin Hood (mas decidi mudá-lo por razões que serão futuramente esclarecidas). Gostaria de ver finalizado o jogo SWESB e outros títulos, mas por ora, os quatro lançamentos mais prováveis são os citados. Existem ainda alguns projetos com a Packrat pendentes. Enfim, estamos apenas começando o ano, espero que possamos ter boas surpresas em seu decorrer. Feliz Ano Novo!


Have a great 2017, with many new games for your Odyssey²/Videopac. Speaking of which, today I will write about what can be expected of news for this new year. Some games are closer to being completed than others. At this point I can say that possible candidates to be released this year are: Boom Box (which is basically Sokoban for O2 / Vpac - figure alongside), Lady Frog, Moon Town and the game that was known by Robin Hood (but decided to change For reasons that will be clarified in the future). I would like to see SWESB and other titles finalized, but for now, the four most likely releases are those quoted. There are still some projects with Packrat on hold. Anyway, we are just beginning the year, I hope we can have good surprises in its course. Happy New Year!


TomBeck said...

Also for you, a happy new year!

Boom Box look really good. An interesting new game for our library. Also your other titles look fun to play. Lady Frog and Moon Town are amazing. But what is SWESB?

Will Star Wars be ever released? This were a game, where I would get sleepless nights,
when it were shipped to me. But I believe, you have big problems there.
Every year, when we get a Star Wars movie in our cinemas, I hope to read somewhere it will be released at the same day like the movie. But till now, unfortunately nothing.
So I hope for 2018...

Rafael Cardoso said...

Yep. SWESB stands for Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. It still need to be fixed on NTSC consoles, after that thee´s few things to do. Sadly the things are not so simply.