Saturday, July 15, 2017

TUTANKHAM ARCADE (click here for english version)

Ultimamente não tenho tido muito tempo para novas postagens. Não tenho, por problemas de saúde, dedicado muito tempo a programação, atualmente não consigo ficar muito tempo sentado. São os sinais do tempo. Na última semana também perdemos um de nossos cães que foi levado pelo câncer. Mas vamos as boas novas.
Todos nós, fãs de Odyssey, adoramos o jogo Tutankham, um jogo de aventura que fez muita falta ao console nos anos 80.
Tutankham é o único jogo do Odyssey em que uma única partida pode demorar horas. Meu recorde no jogo, 17.342 pontos, custou-me quase 3 horas em uma única partida. Recentemente, porém, estive pensando que apesar de suas qualidades, Tutankham para Odyssey é bastante do arcade. Nem melhor, nem pior, apenas diferente. Então, pensei como seria o jogo se fosse mais próximo do arcade e dei início a este pequeno projeto, cujos primeiros passos podem ser vistos no vídeo abaixo:


Lately I have not had much time for new posts. I do not have, due to health problems, I spent a lot of time programming, I can not sit for a long time now. They are the signs of time. Last week we also lost one of our dogs for cancer. But let's go the good news. All of us Odyssey fans love the Tutankham game, an adventure game we missed a lot in the 80's. Tutankham is the only Odyssey game where a single match can take hours. My record in the game, 17,342 points, cost me almost 3 hours in a single game. Recently, however, I've been thinking that despite its qualities, Tutankham for Odyssey is quite the arcade. Not better, not worse, just different. So I thought about how it would be if I were closer to the arcade and started this little project, whose first steps can be seen in the video below:


TomBeck said...

Back from my holidays and I found some news in your blog. First of all, I hope, you will get better soon. And I am also sorry for your dog.
Interesting new project. I am always impressed, how much projects you have at the same time. But I can understand, that only working on one project, could be very arduous. And, I think, working on an other project can maybe help in an other project.
So all the best for you and your family, Rafael.

Rafael Cardoso said...

Thanks for the nice words, Tom.
Yes, I like working multiple projects at the same time.
But I know that many of them will not go forward. Anyway
Sometimes I think of something so I just do to see how it's going to stay.
Another positive factor in having several projects is that when it is not possible to
Continuity in one you jump to another and the answer you were looking for
pops up.