Como já tinha anteriormente anunciado, no próximo dia 27 estarei na PUC/SP para uma palestra aos alunos do curso de jogos digitais, ocasião na qual farei o pre-release dos jogos Haunted Woods e Boom Box. De certa forma o evento chamado a História dos Videogames no Brasil acabou fortalecendo a comunidade Odyssey no Brasil. Velhos e novos amigos apareceram, uma quantidade enorme de material foi reunida nos últimas semanas, muito material que eu mesmo desconhecia. Por fim, o universo alinhou-se e teremos, também na PUC, no sábado dia 28 de outubro, o 1° Encontro Nacional de Colecionadores de Odyssey. Este é o tipo de evento que planejamos há tempos, desde o inicio dos anos 2000 e subitamente, de forma despretenciosa, acabou acontecendo. Como amante do console não tem como negar o grande entusiasmo para o evento.
Caso você seja fã do Odyssey e queira participar do evento, só é necessário fazer a inscrição, que também é gratuita. Espero que o encontro seja um sucesso e que muitos outros encontros estejam a caminho! A propósito, minha camiseta para sexta-feira já esta pronta. Já estou encomendando outra para o sábado!💓
Caso você seja fã do Odyssey e queira participar do evento, só é necessário fazer a inscrição, que também é gratuita. Espero que o encontro seja um sucesso e que muitos outros encontros estejam a caminho! A propósito, minha camiseta para sexta-feira já esta pronta. Já estou encomendando outra para o sábado!💓
As I had previously announced, on the 27th I will be in PUC / SP for a lecture to the students of the digital games course, at which time I will do the pre-release of the games Haunted Woods and Boom Box . In a way the event called the History of Video Games in Brazil ended up strengthening the Odyssey community in Brazil.. Old and new friends have appeared, a huge amount of material has been gathered in recent weeks, a lot of material that I did not even know about. Finally, the universe was aligned and we will have, also in the PUC, on Saturday 28 October, the 1st National Meeting of Odyssey Collectors. This is the kind of event we've been planning for some time, since the early 2000s and suddenly, unpretentiously, it just happened. As a lover of the console there is no denying the great enthusiasm for the event. If you are a fan of Odyssey and want to attend the event, you only need to register, which is also free. I hope the meeting is a success and many other meetings are on the way! By the way, my T-shirt for Friday is ready. I'm already ordering another for Saturday! 💓
Too bad, that I don`t live in Brazil. This will be an amazing event. Big greetings to all your friends there from Germany. I hope, you will make pictures.
But there is something, I ask me, since some time. Why am I mostly alone, who post here something? Why post your Brazil fans nothing? I know they are there. I saw it, when you announced, that you will be releasing your games in brazil:
It were really great, when this event make maybe also your blog more popular.
Of course I intend to take some photos, I hope that the enthusiasm does not make me forget. I feel that time will be short. About the fans of Odyssey in Brazil, well weekly I get visits from braziers as well as from other parts of the world. I think the people just come to see the news. As for blog popularity, I do not care much about it, I think quality is better than quantity, even the Videopac Forum with almost 500 members spend days in total silence and you know that sometimes we try to create something to keep it going. The forum on Atariage is no different. They created a High Score Club there, I took some time to play and keep the thing alive, who else did it? The truth is that the Odyssey has far fewer fans than I imagined. We "have the OdysseyBR group here, in the early 2000s we had an average of almost 500 messages per month, in the year 2016 we had a 20 messages message. such as "O Segredo do Faraó" or "O Gato e o Rato". Another aspect that may have dispersed the collectors here is the current absurd prices. We talked about this in the Whatsup group we created this month. For example, there is a 1983 poster being sold for 1600. See I have 83/84/85 posters and probably did not pay 200 for the 3 together. That is, no one here will admit to paying an absurd price for items that 5 or 6 years ago were sold at much better and fair prices. No one wants explorers around. This also ends up discouraging people. It's sad, but it's likely Odyssey will not survive the weather. Statistically, all the groups on the console have had a dizzying drop in entries. The websites that used to be referral have disappeared or are almost not updated.These are signs that the end of an era is coming.
I wish again, much fun with your event. Maybe, it have a better effect, than we all know now.
And with some prices, you are absolute right. It ever angers me, when I see something like this, especially at eBay. But I have the hope, that Videopac get also new friends. It`s always a highlight for me, to see at videopac.nl something like this:"Hi. I am new here and want to start collecting Videopac. Am I right here?". With something like this, goes my heart up, because I know, that with people like this, Videopac ist still alive.
For me, I know, Videopac will ever have a big place in my heart and home. From the videogame view are, in my "Game Room" still the eighties and it looks like Philips Videopac is still alive and the best videogame system ever. When I power on my Philips and Videopac lights put the cartridge into my Jopac play a great games, it`s like I had a timemachine and I am back in the great Videopac aera. It´s a wonderful feeling.
And this will NEVER change!
o evento foi fanástico!!! valeu pessoal!!
Foi mesmo. Nos que agradecemos, tudo isso só foi possível graças a seus esforços!
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