Saturday, March 31, 2018

NOVAS CAPAS! (click here for english version)

Após algum tempo "longe" da programação retornei para finalizar alguns projetos que estavam próximos da conclusão. Nos últimos dias concentrei meus esforços em Laser Blitz, fixando problemas com o The Voice que, após vários testes, parecem terem sido sanados. Também aproveitei o feriado prolongado para trabalhar nas capas da versões Odyssey e Videopac para o jogo, como vocês verão nas imagens. A má notícia é que a TV que eu utilizava para o testes parece ter sucumbido definitivamente. Há algum tempo ela vinha apresentando problemas exibindo uma faixas horizontais coloridas,  após alguns tapas ela voltava a trabalhar, desde a tarde da última quinta-feira os tapas não tem mais resolvido o problema. Enfim, vamos em frente. Desejo um ótima Páscoa a todos e espero que em breve o coelhinho possa levar Laser Blitz a sua casa. Até breve!


After some time "away" from the programming I returned to finish some projects that were close to completion. In recent days I have concentrated my efforts on Laser Blitz, fixing problems with The Voice which, after several tests, seem to have been healed. I also took advantage of the extended holiday to work on the covers of the Odyssey and Videopac versions for the game, as you will see in the pictures. The bad news is that the TV I used for the tests seems to have definitely succumbed. For some time she had been presenting problems showing a colored horizontal stripes, after some tapas she returned to work, since the afternoon of last Thursday the tapas no longer solved the problem. Anyway, let's move on. I wish everyone a great Easter and hope that soon the bunny can take Laser Blitz to your home. See you later!


TomBeck said...

Rafael is back here! The best easter present. I hope, you feel better now.

A wonderful cool cover for an amazing game. Good work. Thanks Rafael.

This game in the eighties and it were a Philips Blockbuster!!!

TomBeck said...

Oh, I forgot:

HAPPY EASTER to all of you !!!

Rafael Cardoso said...

Hi Tom, thank you very much. I've been in a lot of pain recently, but it's partly by carelessness on my part. I just need to better measure my activities, after all in life we have to do things that we do not like very much. I hope you get the new game soon and have fun with it. Happy Easter!

Victor Emm said...

que notícia ótima!!!!
já estou na fila!!!!

abração Rafael