Saturday, May 23, 2015

UM POUQUINHO DE CADA COISA! (click for english version)

Free Food For Fish será meu próximo jogo a ser lançado! Enquanto eu trabalhava na capa do jogo, fiquei pensando que fazer um homebrew não é nada fácil. Você tem que fazer o jogo, fazer o cafézinho, atender telefonemas, tudo sozinho. Todo processo inicia-se com o conceito, design e programação  do jogo. Concluído o jogo, a mais a ser feito, gráficos plus, capa e texto para o manual (e o próprio manual algumas vezes). Ainda assim, é muito divertido Bem, nem sempre). De toda forma, enquanto fazia a capa do jogo também pensei que seria legal contar a história, as fontes de inspiração por trás de algumas capas que fiz no passado. Algumas dão certo, outras nem tanto, o fato é que jamais chegarei a um nível de produzir obras-primas como "Em Busca dos Anéis Perdidos" ou "Abelhas Assassinas" e olha que eles nem tinha Corel Draw naquela época. Seja como for o Odyssey criou o mais belo conceito de capas já visto e eu vou tentando segui-los de perto.
Apresento-lhes a capa do jogo "Free Food For Fish" disponível em . Brevemente estarei fazendo algumas matérias sobre as capas de outros jogos que fiz.


Free Food For Fish will be my next game to be released! As I worked on the cover of the game, I was thinking to make a homebrew is not easy. You have to make the game, make the coffee cake, answer phones, all alone. Whole process starts with the concept, design and programming of the game. Completed the game, the more to be done, plus graphs, cover and text for the manual (and the manual itself sometimes). Still, it's great fun (well, not always). Anyway, as I made the cover of the game also thought it would be nice to tell the story, the sources of inspiration behind some covers I did in the past. Some are successful, others less so, the fact is that never will arrive at a level to produce masterpieces such as "Quest For The Rings" or "Killer Bees" and looks that they had not even Corel Draw at that time. In any case the Odyssey created the most beautiful concept covers ever seen and I'm trying to follow them closely. I present to you the cover of the game "Free Food For Fish" available in Soon I'll be doing some theme on the covers of other games that did.


TomBeck said...

Wow Rafael! Till today was the cover from Wildlife (plus version) and Happy Bird my favourite Rafael covers.
But the cover from FFFF is on a good way to the top. Wonderful! Some things are glowing, like the jellyfish. Your covers are getting better and better.
A great cover for a funny game with wonderful plus graphics.

Many thanks again for all what you do for us. For the things you did, you do and you are going to do!

Rafael Cardoso said...

Hi Tom,
For this cover I used many means by Corel Draw, specially the fishs. Jellyfish was a kind of luck, sometimes you click on the wrong button and surprise, things just happens 8^)

Victor Emm said...

verdadeira fábrica de software odyssey.. que maravilha!!!


Rafael Cardoso said...

Grande Victor! Vamos mantendo o Odyssey firme e forte. ;^)