Saturday, July 30, 2016

ROBIN HOOD! (click here for english version)

Na última semana apresentei a vocês um novo projeto, outrora chamado: Creepy Forest. Enquanto trabalhava no projeto, lembrei-me de algo sobre o qual já escrevi neste blog: a carência de personagens populares no nosso Odyssey. Por fim, após observar o personagem que havia criado, assim como o ambiente do jogo, pensei por que não batizá-lo de Robin Hood. Então é isso, Robin Hood é tão legal que é um personagem de domínio público, além de roubar do ricos e dar para os pobres (bem, isso não é uma coisa tão boa...). De toda forma, no novo plano de fundo para o jogo, a nobreza local, em novo plano para acabar com nosso herói, conjurou antigos espíritos a Sherwood, transformando a floresta em um local inóspito. The Adventures of Robin Hood, foi o primeiro título no qual pensei, porém, com  já temos The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, talvez possa chamá-lo Teh Tales of Robin Hood. E quanto ao jogo?
É claro que andei trabalhando nele nos últimos dias, ainda estou tendo um problema com as escadas que me desagrada, mas estou feliz com o andamento do jogo. Os avanços no projeto podem ser vistos neste novo vídeo. Divirtam-se!


Last week I presented to you a new project, formerly called: Creepy Forest. While working on the project, I remembered something about which I have written in this blog: the lack of popular characters in our Odyssey. Finally, after watching the character he had created, and the game environment, I thought why not baptize him Robin Hood. That's it, Robin Hood is so cool that it is a public domain character, and steal from the rich and give to the poor (well, that's not such a good thing ...). Anyway, the new background for the game, the local nobility in new plan to end our hero, conjured ancient spirits to Sherwood, turning the forest into an inhospitable place. The Adventures of Robin Hood, was the first title in which I thought, however, we already have with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes might call it The Tales of Robin Hood. What about the game? Of course I've been working on it the last few days, I'm still having a problem with the stairs that displeases me, but I'm happy with the progress of the game. Advances in the design can be seen in this new video. Have fun!


TomBeck said...

The lack of popular names was always the problem of Videopac/Odyssey. When I was a kid, it angers me, that we didn´t have big names in our games library. Philips was/is really a big company with much money. So why didn´t we have popular characters or well known games from the arcade? I didn´t understand that. Atari, Coleco, Intellivision. All have well known games in their library. We had Turtles and in europe Terrahawks. With a little bit more money and effort from Philips were much more possible. Thanks to Parker that we have Popeye, Frogger, Super Cobra, Q*bert and later Tutankham and Spiderman.
Because of that, I also love your upcomming black and white game with Dracula. To change the game into the world of Robin Hood is a great idea and could only be good for the game and our system.

Rafael Cardoso said...

Yes, it angers me, too. Some TV shows like He-Man and the Masters Of Universe or Smurfs was very popular here. I had friends with these games on Intv and 2600 respectively, most of kids used to love these cartoons, so it was really sad we don´t had nothing like it and Popeye was just another O2man char. At least, now we know we have a game based on a popular Restaurant.