Como já escrevi anteriormente, nos próximos meses estarei um pouco afastado da programação ( quiça "definitivamente "). Enquanto isso, vou postando alguns projetos que ainda não apareceram no blog. O projeto que apresento hoje se chama Nick Cave. Bem, este foi apenas um nome que criei para o herói. Porém, pesquisando na internet descobri que havia um cantor homônimo, que é esta figura rosada e seminua (ou complemente nua) que se vê ao lado. Essa ilustração me faz lembrar um monstro do filme Labirinto do Fauno. Um pouco sobre nosso Nick Cave. Já relatei neste blog que sempre achei o jogo Serpente do Poder um tanto quanto incompleto. Na minha imaginação, jogando Serpente nos anos 80, após derrotar a serpente, o herói deveria adentrar o vulcão, encontrar e destruir os inimigos que embora citados no manual, jamais apareciam no jogo. A ideia que tinha sobre como o jogo seria no interior do vulcão seria algo como o que verão no vídeo de Nick Cave.
A internet veio e mostrou que o jogo Serpente do Poder deveria realmente ter uma parte no interior do vulcão, não era como eu imaginava, mas ela deveria estar lá. Diante disto, pensei que seria interessante desenvolver um projeto concluindo o jogo Serpente do Poder deixando-o porém, mais próximo aos protótipos do Colecovision e do 2600. Com isso a idéia que tive originalmente para a continuação do jogo passa a se chamar Nick Cave, sem qualquer relação com o jogo Serpente do Poder ou com este feioso da ilustração. Isto tudo se a história tiver uma continuação. O projeto ainda esta em sua infância e provavelmente, se tudo der certo, Nick perderá sua arma.
As I wrote earlier, in the coming months I will be a little removed from programming (maybe "definitely"). Meanwhile, I'm posting some projects that have not yet appeared on the blog. The project I am presenting today is called Nick Cave. Well, this was just a name I created for the hero. However, researching the Internet discovered that there was a homonym singer, who is this rosy and half-naked figure (or complements naked) that is next door. This illustration reminds me of a monster from the film Pan's Labyrinth. A little bit about our Nick Cave. I have already reported on this blog that I have always found the Power Lords game somewhat incomplete. In my imagination, playing Power Lords in the 80s, after defeating the serpent, the hero should enter the volcano, find and destroy the enemies that although mentioned in the manual, never appeared in the game. The idea I had about how the game would be inside the volcano would be something like what you'll see in Nick Cave's video.The internet came and showed that the Power Lords game should really have a part inside the volcano, it was not as I imagined it, but it should be there. Faced with this, I thought it would be interesting to develop a project concluding the Serpent of Power game leaving it, however, closer to the Colecovision and 2600 prototypes. With that the idea I originally had for the continuation of the game changes to Nick Cave, Without any relation to the Power Lords game or with this ugly guy of illustration. This is all if the story has a sequel. The project is still in its infancy and probably , if all went well, Nick will lose his weapon.
It has really something like the monster in Pan's Labyrinth. Horrible picture, but great movie.
And Nick Cave look also great. I had a little demo from Nick Cave and since then, I hoped, you will work on this. Maybe someday, I can put it into my Jopac with wonderful plus gfx and voice sounds.
I wish you all the best the next months, what ever you must do. Your wrote, that you will be a little removed from programming (maybe "definitely"). I hope, this "definitely", were only between your next month, not for ever. That were definitely the new dead of Odyssey. I could not bear this.
Yes, it´s a great movie and even could be an Odyssey game.
When I started with Nick I´m not sure how it would to work. Now I have a better idea about the game.
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