E finalmente posso dizer que, no dia 28 de novembro de 2016, completei minha coleção! Todos os jogos lançados pela Philips nacional e seus respectivos manuais. Na foto, os sete jogos mais raros no Brasil. É curioso pensar que quando comprei meu Odyssey ele veio com a revista Odyssey Aventura número 7, a capa destacava os jogos "O Segredo do Faraó" e "O Gato e o Rato", jamais imaginei que estes seriam os jogos mais onerosos da minha coleção.
Outra lembrança que tive esta semana é que no anos 80, escrevi uma carta ao programa A Porta da Esperança pedindo a coleção completa dos jogos Odyssey. Minha missiva foi ignorada e tive que batalhar por este sonho. Missão cumprida e nos vemos próxima!
And finally I can say that, on November 28, 2016, I completed my collection! All games released by brazilian Philips and their respective manuals. In the photo, the seven rarest games in Brazil. It's curious to think that when I bought my Odyssey it came with Odyssey Adventure number 7, the cover featured the games "O Segredo do Faraó" and "O Gato e o Rato", I never imagined that these would be the most expensive games in my collection . Another reminder I had this week is that in the 1980s I wrote a letter to the TV show, The Doors of Hope* asking for the complete Odyssey collection. My missive was ignored and I had to battle for this dream. Mission accomplished and see next !
*It was a brazilian TV show where the presenter invited viewers to send a letter outlining their needs (such as a work tool, a car, a house), wishes (such as a trip, a kimono, a musical instrument), or even find someone missing or meet an artist famous. The viewers whose cases were selected were invited to go record the show, where their lives were presented and the request justified, hoping to have the request made. The host of the program was suspenseful about this event, until the climax, when the announcer said his classic stick: Let's open the doors of hope! ... As soon as the phrase was said, two sliding doors opened, revealing if the Dream had come true (if the object of desire was there) or not (nothing behind the door)
Congratulations Rafael, for completing your collection. My dream is, to find some day a Odyssey3. But this will probably never happen. But when I see your 7 brazil wonders, I must say: Never say never.
Funny is, that the 6 most rare and most expensive Philips games in brazil, are here in europe not something special. Ok, "Morse" (Telegrafista) and "The Mousing Cat" (O Gato e o Rato) are not so common. But you can get they for a good price here. The others are really cheap and some of the oldest Videopac games. There you can see, that also in the Odyssey world, is not all good, what is expensive.
Did you know that all these 6 games (I'm not sure about the Telegraph) have differences compared to the versions released there in Europe? What I think happened: Philips do Brasil had no more games to launch here, all the American games that were already compatible with the Brazilian system had already been released, so they had to start adapting the old European games. Unfortunately, I think the Odyssey has stopped being manufactured here for lack of titles.
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