Na último sábado tive a imensa alegria de receber um telefonema do amigo Ricardo Silva da Odyssey Brasil: Coloque dois apaixonados por Odyssey em lados opostos da linha e o resultado será longas horas de conversa, esticamo-nos até às 4 da madrugada do domingo. Ricardo falou sobre alguns de seus ótimos projetos sobre os quais pretendo falar aqui, em momento oportuno. Falando em amigos, o amigo Daniel Lúcio disse ter gostado do projeto atualmente chamado Nick Cave, o que me inspirou a retornar ao projeto. Ha tempos estava querendo testar alguns obstáculos no jogo, porém, estava com um pouco de preguiça, haja vista que o projeto precisaria ser recomeçado. Ainda preciso tirar um tempo para organizar o mapa da aventura, espero ter mais tempo em breve para fazê-lo.
Abaixo, os perigos que nosso herói enfrentará:
MORCEGOS (nenhuma caverna que se preze pode existir sem eles)
Last Saturday I had the great joy of receiving a phone call from friend Ricardo Silva of Odyssey Brasil: Put two in love with Odyssey on opposite sides of the line and the result will be long hours of conversation, we stretch out until 4 in the morning on Sunday. Ricardo spoke about some of his great projects about which I intend to speak here, at an opportune moment. Speaking of friends, friend Daniel Lucio said he liked the project currently called Nick Cave, which inspired me to return to the project. Long ago I was trying to test some obstacles in the game, but I was a little lazy, since the project had to be restarted. I still need to take the time to organize the adventure map, I hope to have more time soon to do it.Below, the dangers our hero will face:
BATS (No prey cave can exist without them)
1 comment:
Nick Cave is a great project. It look fantastic and all this without plus gfx. You have wonderful ideas what I see till now. I wish all the best with this game.
It`s wonderful to read, that there are also on the other side of the the world more people, with the same feelings around Videopac/Odyssey like I have. And this love for now over 35 years.
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